【Katy Perry:Single】Rise 飛黃騰達(2016 NBC 奧運主題曲!)|中文歌詞與創作理念
"This is a song that's been brewing inside me for years, that has finally come to the surface, I was inspired to finish it now, rather than save it for my next album, because now more than ever, there is a need for our world to unite. I know that together we can rise above the fear – in our country, and around the world. I can't think of a better example than the Olympic athletes, as they gather in Rio with their strength and fearlessness, to remind us how we ALL can come together, with the resolve to be the best we can be. I hope this song can inspire us to heal, unite, and rise together. I am honored that NBC Olympics has chosen to use it as an anthem before and during the Rio Games."
「這是一首醞釀在我心裡多年的一首歌,終於浮出檯面了。我受到啟發要「現在」完成,而非「保留給我下一張專輯」,因為今日的世界比以前任何時候都還需要團結一心。我知道我們可以一起越過恐懼——不只在我們國家,更是在全世界。我想不到一個比奧運選手們更好的例子,當他們帶著力量與無所畏懼齊聚里約,提醒我們所有人消除分歧,解決隔閡並成為最好的我們。我希望這首歌能夠激勵我們,一同治癒傷痛、齊心協力,並東山再起。我很榮幸 NBC 奧運將它選作里約賽前及賽中的主題曲。」
【第一版 MV】
【08/07 新增第二版 MV】
【Rise 飛黃騰達】
I won't just survive / 我不只會存活下來
Oh, you will see me thrive / 喔,你還會見到我蓬勃發展
Can't write my story / 我寫下的不只是故事
I'm beyond the archetype / 因為我已超越原型
I won't just conform / 我不會乖乖順從
No matter how you shake my core / 無論你如何動搖我的心志
Cause my roots, they run deep, oh / 信念已深植我心
Oh, ye of so little faith / 喔,你們這些小信的人們
Don't doubt it, don't doubt it / 別猜忌,別懷疑
Victory is in my veins / 我流的是勝利之血
I know it, I know it / 我清楚,我明白
And I will not negotiate / 沒有任何和你們協商的餘地
I'll fight it, I'll fight it / 我將奮力一搏,抗戰到底
I will transform / 蛻變成新的自我
When, when the fire's at my feet again / 每當我戰戰兢兢,如履薄冰
And the vultures all start circling / 禿鷹始在天上盤旋
They're whispering, "you're out of time." / 竊竊私語:「你快沒時間了。」
But still, I rise / 然而我會振作的
This is no mistake, no accident / 毫無失誤,預料之中
When you think the final nail is in; think again / 當你以為這會是擊倒我的最後一根稻草,那就隨你怎麼想吧
Don't be surprised, I will still rise / 別驚訝,我將飛黃騰達
I must stay conscious / 務必要保持清醒
Through the menace and chaos / 以穿越威脅與混亂
So I call on my angels / 因此我請求心中的小天使們
They say... / 他們告訴我...
Oh, ye of so little faith / 喔,那些小信的人們啊
Don't doubt it, don't doubt it / 別輕視,別狐疑
Victory is in your veins / 你流的是成功的血脈
You know it, you know it / 你心裡有數,心知肚明
And you will not negotiate / 不會輕易妥協
Just fight it, just fight it / 去戰鬥,去爭取吧
And be transformed / 你將浴火重生
When, when the fire's at my feet again / 每當我戰戰兢兢,如履薄冰
And the vultures all start circling / 禿鷹始在天上盤旋
They're whispering, "you're out of time." / 竊竊私語:「你快沒時間了。」
But still, I rise / 然而我會振作的
This is no mistake, no accident / 毫無失誤,預料之中
When you think the final nail is in; think again / 當你以為這會是擊倒我的最後一根稻草,那就隨你怎麼想吧
Don't be surprised, I will still rise / 別驚訝,我將飛黃騰達
Don't doubt it, don't doubt / 沒有任何疑問
Oh, oh, oh, oh / 喔
You know it, you know it / 你知道,你曉得
Still rise / 我會再站起來
Just fight it, just fight it / 奮力一搏,抗戰到底
Don't be surprised, I will still rise / 別訝異,我將飛黃騰達
🎼 克羅伊的歌詞筆記 🎼
archetype 原型
Oh, ye of so little faith 此句出自於馬太福音,原文為"O, ye of little faith"
the final nail is in 原為"the final nail in the coffin",nail 是「鐵釘」,coffin 是「棺材」。the final nail in the coffin 字面上的意思是指「最後的棺材釘」,為棺材釘上最後一根釘子,等於宣告大勢已去、無可挽回,故本俚語引申有「最後致命的一擊」之意
(引自 appledaily)
👯 聽聽克羅伊怎麼說 👯
這首歌寫得真的很好,非常勵志且振奮人心,尤其搭配 MV 後更能體會到那種不畏困難、相信自己一定會成功的心境,每每看到努力過後終於成功那瞬間的畫面,都令我好感動!一開頭 Katy 分享自己的創作理念,提及「今日的世界比以前任何時候都還需要團結」,讓我想到前陣子發生的各種恐怖攻擊,像是去年的巴黎大屠殺或是前幾天的尼斯慘案,甚至是震驚歌壇、令人超級難過的 Christina Grimmie 事件😭 衷心希望這首歌能夠帶給大家團結的力量,世界能夠減少一些紛爭🙏
英文歌詞來自 GENIUS,圖片來自 Google,有錯請告知~~~
快來追蹤我臉書,let's have fun!!!