目前分類:Vanessa Hudgens♥ (34)

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6/15:Vanessa Hudgens 染紫髮全新亮相 與男友一同外出用餐


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6/2:Vanessa & Selena 電影【Spring Breakers】拍攝照片67張一次看得夠!


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3/10:Vanessa Hudgens為新片"Spring Breakers"染金髮!

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2/2:Vanessa Hudgens與男友Austin Butler甜蜜出席地心冒險2(Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)好萊塢首映會

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11/13:Vanessa Hudgens 新電影"地心冒險2:神秘島(Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)"預告

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9/29:Vanessa & Stella Hudgens 逛 Pumpkin Patch

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9/28:Vanessa Hudgens: Pink Bike Beauty

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9/28:Vanessa Hudgens週三騎車外出照

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9/27:Vanessa Hudgens和妹妹Stella的單車週末

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今年 21 歲,以迪士尼頻道原創電影 High School Musical (歌舞青春,HSM) 走紅的 Vanessa Hudgens (凡妮莎哈金斯) 最近在部落格上寫了一篇標題為 "The Most Amazing Time of My Life" (我一生中最美好的時光) 的文章。

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9/21:Vanessa Hudgens去Hugo's 餐廳

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9/20:Vanessa Hudgens和友人離開LA Fitness

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9/20:Vanessa Hudgens & Ashley Tisdale姊妹淘與Austin Butler外出!

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9/6:Vanessa Hudgens和好友Laura New上Hiro舞廳

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9/6:Vanessa Hudgens在Gilt City Dinner與朋友共進晚餐

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9/5:Vanessa Hudgens在US Open活動照片

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9/1:Vanessa Hudgens在加州和一位男性友人外出

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8/31:Vanessa Hudgens與朋友在Mare'ka吃午餐

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8/31:Vanessa Hudgens週三瑜珈課!

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