【Against The Current:In Our Bones】Forget Me Now 就是要你記住我|中文歌詞
這首歌是【Against The Current:In Our Bones】曲目中的第二首。Forget Me Now 其實應該是「忘掉我吧!」,但我猜是為了讓歌名簡潔,而省略了前面的 won't,因此我在中譯時還是以歌詞的意涵為主,翻出來才會和英文相反。又由於我個人習慣在翻譯前先查找相關的訪談,確定自己了解歌詞的意思,以防翻譯偏離原意,可惜有關這首歌的資料並不多,只找到一篇由 Upset Magazine 採訪撰寫的文章。總之,我們先來聽聽鼓手 Will Ferri 怎麼說吧!
"This track is a look into the past, present and the future of us and the band. We imagined if you went to your high school reunion after doing what we've done and experienced and pointing out all the people that put you down or said you couldn't do it." 「這首歌是一個從我們樂團視角所看向的過去、現在和未來。我們想像你去參加高中同學會——在你做過那些我們所做過、所經歷過的事情並指認出所有曾經輕視你或說你不可能做到的人。」
接下來是主唱 Chrissy :
"Those people that just waved you off or wouldn't give you the time of day," continues Chrissy Constanza. "It's us saying well, I bet you won't forget me now." 「就是那些對你不屑一顧或是不給你機會的人。」Chrissy Costanza 繼續說道,「現在該換我們說:『哼,我敢打賭你現在記住我了吧。』」
【Forget Me Now 就是要你記住我】
Dear whoever, do you remember? / 親愛的"某某人",你記得嗎?
It's me, old whatshername / 是我,從前那個"你不知道名字的女孩"
Can't believe it, you ain't dreaming / 很不可置信吧,你不是在作夢
I don't look quite the same / 我變得很不一樣
But history repeats itself / 歷史不斷上演
I kept making a scene / 我老是小題大作
I kept raising hell / 無理取鬧
Now they call me a queen / 如今人們稱我女神
And you're under my spell / 而你拜倒在我石榴裙下
Tell me how does it feel? / 告訴我這是什麼感覺?
Well... / 嗯…
I'm looking down from the skyline / 我從天際線俯瞰
Dancing on the moonlight / 與月光共舞
Can you see my name in the stars? / 你能在群星中看見我的名字嗎?
Yeah, I bet you won't forget me now / 沒錯,我賭你現在記住我了吧
My voice on the airwaves / 我的聲音猶如電波
It's echoing louder and louder / 回聲在你腦中擴散
I bet you won't forget me now / 我賭你現在記住我了吧
(Hey!) / (嘿 !)
I bet you won't forget me now / 我賭你現在記住我了吧
(Hey!) / (嘿 !)
Hey whoever, it's been forever / 嘿,"某某人"!都過多久了
I know you know my name / 我知道你知道我名字
I heard you're still trying to steal my throne / 我聽說你想取代我的位子
I guess some things never change / 我猜有些事是不會改變的
Always knew I'd make it out / 總知道我會闖出一片天
Live a life you dream about / 過著你夢寐以求的生活
And now the world's in my hands / 世界在我掌控之中
According to plan / 一切按計劃實行
I'm looking down from the skyline / 我從天際線俯瞰
Dancing on the moonlight / 與月光共舞
Can you see my name in the stars? / 你能在群星中看見我的名字嗎?
Yeah, I bet you won't forget me now / 沒錯,我賭你現在記住我了吧
My voice on the airwaves / 我的聲音猶如電波
Echoing louder and louder / 回聲在你腦中擴散
I bet you won't forget me now / 我賭你現在記住我了吧
(Hey!) / (嘿 !)
I bet you won't forget me now / 我賭你現在記住我了吧
(Hey!) / (嘿 !)
Said you were gonna run this town / 你曾說你會統領這個小鎮
Now you just get high and drive around / 但現在你不過是開車閒晃自嗨而已
It didn't happen like you thought it would, yeah / 事情發生得不如你所想,對吧
Hit me up like "hope you're good / 聯絡我時你說"希望妳過得很好
And can you put me on the list tonight? / 可以把我列入妳今晚的名單嗎?
And by the way I've got this clothing line" / 順帶一提我也有妳這個同系列的服裝"
Try to talk like we're old friends / 你試著當我們是老朋友一樣地跟我聊天
But you don't even know who I am / 但你其實根本就不了解我
I'm looking down from the skyline / 我從天際線俯瞰
Dancing on the moonlight / 與月光共舞
Can you see my name in the stars? / 你能在群星中看見我的名字嗎?
Yeah, I bet you won't forget me now / 沒錯,我賭你現在記住我了吧
My voice on the airwaves / 我的聲音猶如電波
Echoing louder and louder / 回聲在你腦中擴散
I bet you won't forget me now / 沒錯,我賭你現在記住我了吧
I bet you won't forget me now / 沒錯,我賭你現在記住我了吧
I bet you won't forget me now / 沒錯,我賭你現在記住我了吧
I bet you won't forget me now / 沒錯,我賭你現在記住我了吧
I bet you won't / 忘不了我
put sb. down 輕視某人
make a scene 把事情鬧大;小題大作
raise hell 大吵大鬧;發脾氣
under one's spell 被某人迷住
make it out 把事情解決、搞定
hit sb. up 聯繫某人
相信大家都有自己的夢想,然而在築夢的過程中,不免會遇到一些不如意的事,像是被嘲笑不自量力、不要做白日夢等等,其實不只是我們,即便像 Against The Current 那般光鮮亮麗,也都曾經有過類似的經歷。他們之所以會做這首歌,除了告訴粉絲們:「別怕,不是只有你遭遇這些鳥事,你不是一個人。」,再來就是想告訴我們,一定要相信自己會 "make it out" 並且 "live a life you dream about",讓那些從前對你嗤之以鼻的人,現在看到你會跪下來求繞!
說到這邊,讓我想到一首同樣意涵的歌,同場加映 Taylor Swift - Mean:
PS. 不意外的話,這個暑假我會把 ATC 這張專輯全部翻譯完,大家若有想要我翻譯的歌也歡迎留言告訴我!
圖片+英文歌詞來自 Google,有錯請告知~~
歡迎大家加我臉書,let's have fun!