7/18:Sel & JB----婚禮上的不速之客
根據來源報導,有位民眾向他們透露,有一晚,Justin Bieber (小賈斯汀) 和 Selena Gomez (席琳娜) 周末在馬里布享用浪漫晚餐時,聽到附近婚宴上放著Justin 的歌,接著,兩人上前去給了新人及在座的來賓一個大驚喜。
該民眾表示:「當晚所有的來賓都不知情! Justin和女朋友Selena剛吃完晚餐,決定在沙灘上散步,我想他大概是聽到他的歌才決定要到婚宴給大家驚喜的。他的突然出現真是太酷了,所有人都很驚訝;他甚至用麥克風恭喜新人,然後說了幾句祝福的話,也和他的粉絲拍照。那是名人所能做的事中最酷、最棒的,那晚對新人來說也一定是最難忘的夜晚。」
原文:"Unbeknownst to all of the guests, Justin Bieber and his girlfriend Selena Gomez were just done eating at a restaurant up the road from the Adamson House estate and had decided to take a stroll down the beach. I guess he heard his song play and decided to crash the wedding party to check the scene out. He was cool enough to make a cameo, which surprised all of the wedding guests. He even took the microphone, congratulated the newlywed couple, and said a few nice words, while posing for a series of pictures with his fans. That was one of the coolest and nicest things a person of his celebrity can do, and it certainly made a memorable night for the newlywed couple Mrs. and Mrs. Rob and Jeanine McCool."