2/10:Against The Current 全新 EP 主打同名單曲"Gravity"中文歌詞
時間: 2015/09/08(二) 晚上8:00
地點: 永豐 Legacy Taipei 音樂展演空間 禁止飲食及攜帶攝(相、影)器材入場
售票時間: 2015/06/27(六) 上午11:00起 全台7-ELEVEN ibon售票系統 機台與網站同時開賣
將於 2015/07/05(日) 上午11:00起 在全台ibon系統加賣搖滾區票券,數量不多,請之前沒搶到票的粉絲把握機會!
票價: $2500 (VIP)/1500 (全站席,依照序號排隊入場)
主辦單位:Live Nation Taiwan 理想國 (點此看主辦單位臉書公告演唱會資訊)
欲知7-ELEVEN ibon購票流程請見此
ATC 將於2/17發行繼"Infinity"的第二張EP---"Gravity"!!!
想支持他們的朋友可以上 iTunes 預購(點此)或是到 Against The Current Myshopify (點此)購買實體專輯(必須自行尋找代購服務...而且頗貴,因為只剩豪華包了(+衣服和海報))
1. Gravity
2. Talk
3. Dreaming Alone Feat Taka from ONE OK ROCK
4. Paralyzed
5. Fireproof
6. Brighter
關於 Gravity 的創作理念:
"Gravity isn't about a break up. It's about losing someone. Anyone. Someone dying. Divorce. It's about losing the person who kept you sane."-by Chrissy Costanza on Twitter "Gravity寫得不是分手,而是關於失去某人---任何人,垂死掙扎的人,或是離婚.它是關於失去那個能夠使你保持理智的人."-來自Chrissy Costanza的推文
附加 Chrissy 前陣子在 Tumblr 發表身為作詞人所學到的事:(+小小的預告耶~)
"i think one of the things i’ve learned about myself as a lyricist during the writing process of these eps is that i feel emotions in extremes. its not just happy, it’s carefree and light and walking on air and watching a black and white sunrise melt into the most vibrant and beautiful colors. the sad isn’t just sad, it’s the kind of sad that physically pains your heart, where you can almost feel it cracking behind your breastbone. the anger isn’t just anger, it’s pure rage, i can feel the heat all the way up my neck. not every word i write is necessarily based on a real story, but every word i write is based on a real emotion. one of the songs we just finished writing is called roses. its not about a real event, but the emotions are real. it is the saddest song i have ever written and it hurts the same every time i sing it. i guess really what im trying to say is that you can experience things through your emotions and that music isn’t always writing about what you’ve done. rather, it’s about what you’ve felt."-by Chrissy Costanza on Tumblr "我想,身為一個作詞者,我所學到關於自身的其中一件事,就是在為這些EP作詞的過程中,我感受到極端的情緒.這不只是開心,而是毫無憂慮.飄飄然如置身雲端(其實"walking on air"引申之意為"極為快樂的"="in seventh heaven"),看著由黑白交織而成的日昇融入最光彩美麗的顏色之中.悲傷不只是悲傷,這種悲傷使你痛徹心扉,幾乎可以感受到它擊碎你的胸骨.憤怒不只是憤怒,它是真正的憤慨,我可以感受到有股熱度直升至我的頸部.雖然,並不是我所寫的字字句句都需要源自於一個真實的故事,但全是來自我真實的情緒.我們剛完成的其中一首歌叫作Roses(玫瑰).它並非關於真實事件,但裡面所有的情緒都是最純真的.它是我所寫過最悲傷的一首歌,而且每次我唱它的時候都感到心痛.我猜我真正嘗試要說的是,你可以藉由你的情緒來體會一些事情,音樂並不總是寫些你所做過的事,而是寫你曾經感受過的."
Gravity 萬有引力
Do you remember feeling invincible? 你還記得"所向披靡"是什麼感覺嗎?
When there was trouble 從前遇到困難時
It was us against the world 總是我們兩人齊力對抗世界
We kept running, running through the night 我們不停地奔跑,跑了整晚
Chasing the sun 'til anything felt right 追逐日光,直到感覺一切都對了
Can you save me now? 你現在可以拯救我嗎?
I get lost up in the clouds 我迷失在茫茫雲霧中
Can you save me now? 你現在可以拯救我嗎?
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
Can you save me now? 你現在可以拯救我嗎?
When the ground drops out I get lost in the clouds 當天崩地裂時,我迷失在茫茫雲霧中
Save me now 拯救我吧
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
Now my world is shattering 然而如今我的世界正在粉碎
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
You left me out there 你留我在那兒
With no one but myself 唯我孤單一人
In an open field 在空曠無人的荒地上
For the lightning to strike me down 閃電重擊使我不支倒地
I was the moon you were the sun 我是月亮,而你是太陽
I can't seem to shine now that you're gone 我不再能夠散發光芒,因你離我而去
Now I'm out of orbit cause you left without warning 如今我偏離軌道,因你不帶絲毫警訊地離開
Are you somewhere better now? 這樣你過得好些嗎?
Can you save me now? 你現在可以拯救我嗎?
I get lost up in the clouds 我迷失在茫茫雲霧中
Can you save me now? 你現在可以拯救我嗎?
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
Can you save me now? 你現在可以拯救我嗎?
When the ground drops out I get lost in the clouds 當天崩地裂時,我迷失在茫茫雲霧中
Save me now 拯救我吧
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
Now my world is shattering 然而如今我的世界正在粉碎
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
When you went away thought I'd never be the same 當你離開時,曾以為我會不如以往
Would the nightmare ever end? 夢魘是否有終止的一天?
If I could do it again I wouldn't change a thing 'Cause it's made me who I am 如果可以重來,我不會改變任何一件事,因為這一切造就了今日的我【註1】
And now I'm shattering 然而如今我正在粉碎
Can you save me now? 你現在可以拯救我嗎?
When the ground drops out I get lost in the clouds 當天崩地裂時,我迷失在茫茫雲霧中
Save me now 拯救我吧
You were my gravity 你曾是我的地心引力
Can you save me now? 你現在可以拯救我嗎?
When the ground drops out I get lost in the clouds 當天崩地裂時,我迷失在茫茫雲霧中
Save me now 拯救我吧
You were my gravity 你曾是我的地心引力
Now my world is shattering 如今我的世界正在粉碎
Now my world is shattering 只剩斷垣殘壁
You were my gravity 你曾是我的萬有引力
【註1】:之前是Chloe一時疏忽,說"it's made me who I am"在文法上怪怪的(因為我一直想成被動用法覺得很不合理),直到最近我看到相同的句法才發現根本沒問題啊!(謎:明明就是妳自己有問題xD) 嘿啦,不要想太多,它就是"it has made me who I am"的縮減版啦~*Problem Solved*
against the current gravity 中文歌詞 台灣 台北演唱會
against the current gravity 中文歌詞 台灣 台北演唱會
against the current gravity 中文歌詞 台灣 台北演唱會
against the current gravity 中文歌詞 台灣 台北演唱會
against the current gravity 中文歌詞 台灣 台北演唱會
against the current gravity 中文歌詞 台灣 台北演唱會
against the current gravity 中文歌詞 台灣 台北演唱會