12/16: Chloe 大推---{第三彈!} Victoria Justice & Max Schneider - Holiday Medley!
不曉得大家看到全部都是手機會覺得很莫名其妙還是誤以為Victoria和Max改行去當手機代言人了!?(好啦我知道不好笑= =)
6/24: Chloe 大推--- Victoria Justice & Max Schneider - Bruno Mars Medley! (7/24 新增影片)
7/22:Chloe大推: Victoria Justice & Max Schneider - Maroon 5 Medley! (新增花絮/照片)
Kurt Schneider 再度找來了同樣都在尼克兒童台(Nickelodeon)演出影集的 Max Schneider 和 Victoria Justice 攜手合作他們的第三首medley
配合時節地,取材自即將到來的聖誕節的幾首經典歌曲(Christmas Carols!),如:Baby It's Cold Outside, Santa Baby, Last Christmas, Sleigh Ride...
(大致上把全部歌都列出來了,除了最前面和最後面我不知道歌名是什麼@@ 如果有人知道麻煩告訴我謝謝!)
並且如先前兩次採取一鏡到底(one take)的拍攝手法,再利用強大的後製軟體編輯影片,造成像上圖那樣非常酷炫的效果!!!xD (希望我沒說錯:P)
廢話不多說啦~ 來感受一下視覺震撼吧~~(真的超神奇啦!)
來個 Keek 小預告:
Dec 9, 2012 | NEW Keek! That's a wrap on our HOLIDAY medley.. @maxgschneider @kurthschneider & I did it again. #StayTuned RT! by VictoriaJustice on Keek.com
圖片集錦(From Instagram and FB):
yea, we're definitely in a shower :1
Hanukkah's here, Christmas is coming, Kwanzaa also & our Christmas medley will premiere in less than 18 hours 2 go RT! #VicMaxandKurtsmedley
Charlie's angels... W/ a twist. @maxgschneider @kurthschneider Holiday medley coming SOON!
Silver wreaths & silver balls mean it's time to "deck the halls"... Coming soon😁. RT!
RT! Filming a NEW medley w/ these 2 boys> @maxgschneider @kurthschneider .Can't wait 4 u all to see this 1. It's gonna be crazy 🎄😜
Recording something special for u guys w/ @kurthschneider ! Can't wait 4 u all to hear 🎼🎤 @kurtschneider
Sometimes when @Kurthschneider isn't looking... #HolidayMedley #ComingSoon Photo cred- @courtneynp
good thing this shot didn't make it into the holiday medley.. :1
There's some holiday spirit in the apartment now :1
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!