
6/7:"I got an email from Kurt Schneider!!!" -by Chloe





No words to describe the excitement when I got the e-mail from Kurt Hugo Schneider!!! 

有興趣就看一下吧~我就懶得翻譯了而且不難 :)


Wow. A lot has happened over the last three years. When I started uploading videos to YouTube, I never imagined that I'd have the opportunity to share my music with so many people. Every day, I wake up thinking "How did this happen?" but I really know how: it's all thanks to you! If everyone hadn't been watching and sharing my videos all this time, I would have never had the opportunity to make all of the music with all of the awesome musicians I work with now. There isn't really a way for me to give as big of a thank you as I'd like, but I wanted to give my biggest fans a little extra something for being there and supporting me for all of this time. I LOVE YOU :1

Anyway, a lot people found my channel through a little webseries I made with Sam Tsui called College Musical. We only made a few episodes, and a lot of people have been asking why we haven't released more. Well, it's because we turned College Musical INTO A MOVIE. I can't even tell you how much fun it was to make this movie, and how excited I am that I had the opportunity to make it and, more importantly, show it to everyone. It has been a labor of love, and since I made it without the support of a big studio, it has taken a lot of time. However, it's almost done, and as a thank you for everything you've done for me, here's a link to the first clip of the movie that anyone has ever seen! Check it out, and please, let me know what you think!!

Also, a lot of fans have been asking what goes on behind the scenes of my music video shoots. A lot of work goes into every video, and a lot of awesome people are involved in the creation of every video. Here's a link to an album of behind the scenes photos from my latest video, Safe and Sound. Dan Rosen @danielsrosen, Daniel Karp @karptweets and Ari Beser all helped make this possible, so go follow them!


Much love,

Kurt :1
You are receiving this email because you're a top KurtHugoSchneider fan and participated in the video sharing contest.



so...睽違三年的College Musical真的變成電影了QAQ

Sam and Kurt, you both are so inspiring!!!

然後他附了一個secret link,可以看到電影小預告:P 

但很可惜他要我們不要分享:(  (話說到目前為止觀看人數不到千人啊...)


(嘿嘿偷偷透露Allison好漂亮!!! 不過最後結局真令人忌妒QAQ)

如果你還沒看過這小電影,絕對別錯過了~ (全英文可能要花點時間在聽力的部分上...我聽了好多遍捏)


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