6/5:Kristen Stewart 性感登上【Vanity Fair July 2012】(浮華世界) 雜誌封面(+組圖/花絮/訪問)
On being made fun of as a kid: “Look at a picture of me before I was 15. I am a boy. I wore my brother’s clothes, dude! Not like I cared that much, but I remember being made fun of because I wasn’t wearing Juicy jeans. I didn’t even think about it. I wore my gym clothes. But it’s not like I didn’t care that they made fun of me. It really bothered me. I remember this girl in sixth grade looked at me in gym and was like, ‘Oh my God! That’s disgusting—you don’t shave your legs!’”
Robert Pattinson on the public’s perception of Kristen: “People have decided how they are going to perceive her. No matter how many times she smiles, they’ll put in the one picture where she’s not smiling.”
On not taking perfect pictures: “I have been criticized a lot for not looking perfect in every photograph. I get some serious shit about it. I’m not embarrassed about it. I’m proud of it. If I took perfect pictures all the time, the people standing in the room with me, or on the carpet, would think, What an actress! What a faker! That thought embarrasses me so much that I look like sh-t in half my photos, and I don’t give a f–k. What matters to me is that the people in the room leave and say, ‘She was cool. She had a good time. She was honest.’ I don’t care about the voracious, starving sh-t eaters who want to turn truth into shit. Not that you can say that in Vanity Fair!”
童年時被取笑:"看回15歲前的照片,我仍是一個男孩。我穿著我哥的衣服,我不是很在意啦,但我記得因為我沒穿有型的牛仔褲而被取笑。我從不注意這些,我經常穿著我的運動衫。 但這不代表我不介意別人的評語,這真是令我很煩惱。我記得以前有班6年級的女生注視著我,像是說'我的天!真噁心--你竟然沒剃去腳毛?!'" (翻譯來自Newsdaily's粉絲區)
Robert Pattinson評論"Kristen Stewart 給眾人的印象":"大家早就決定要以什麼樣的眼光看她了,無論有多少次她在鏡頭前開心得笑,她們總是會放上她沒有笑容的照片。" (Chloe翻譯)
在鏡頭前並不是那麼完美:"我已經被許多人評論說並不是每張照片都被拍得那麼好看,而我也很認真看待這件事,但並不會因此感到尷尬,我很驕傲。如果我在鏡頭前總是那麼完美,那麼當我和其他人站在同一個地方或紅毯上,他們就會想:'果真是個演員啊!多麼作做的一個人!' 我不會去在乎這些關於'如果我有一半的照片是那麼做作'的想法將使我尷尬。我真正在意的是,當別人離開時會說:'她很酷,她很棒,她很誠實。' 我不管那些飢餓且貪婪的人是如何扭曲這個事實,卻不是你可以在浮華世界裡說的!" (Chloe翻譯)
ahhh...這張有點GaGa的fu =3=