Chrissy Costanza 介紹特輯#3 - 從 YouTube 旋風到搖滾巨星!
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想多認識Chrissy Costanza嗎?別錯過介紹特輯#124!!!
Chrissy Costanza 介紹特輯#1 - 推特萬人追蹤之粉絲問與答!!! (Chloe 影片中譯!)
Chrissy Costanza 介紹特輯#2 - Get To Know Me!!! (Chloe 影片中譯!)
Chrissy Costanza 介紹特輯#4 - 遲來個兩千三百年的十萬人推特追蹤者之粉絲問與答!!! (Chloe 影片中譯!)
聲明:此篇原文由 Chrissy 友人--- Mia Ciravolo 撰寫,來源為Meet Chrissy Costanza: From YouTube Sensation to Rock Star,非常感謝 Mia 願意讓 Chloe 將此文譯為中文
(再次強調: Chloe 只負責翻譯的部分,原文不是我寫的,也請不要將我打的中文字句隨意複製貼上或是照著我打然後說是你翻譯的,煩請給予尊重!)
Chloe:這篇文章是前陣子偶然找到的,而且發現是Chrissy的好友撰寫,令我感到特別興奮啊! 此文可以知道原創歌曲Another You的介紹和寫作歷程以及Chrissy在尚未成立ATC前的一些事情,敬請各位慢慢享用:)
Meet Chrissy Costanza: From YouTube Sensation to Rock Star
認識Chrissy Costanza:從 YouTube 旋風到搖滾巨星
It’s a typical fall day in the Bronx, New York, and while most students have been locked away in classes or doing other forms of work, I had the privilege to spend time with an old friend (and a current rock star), Chrissy Costanza, to discuss her developing music career and recent tours. Chrissy had become one of my best friends before she became a famous singer. We attended Immaculate Heart Academy together for our four years of high school. During that time, we got extremely close. To this day, we still laugh about the first time we met in math class. She introduced herself as Christina, and then corrected herself, asking me to “call her Chrissy.” After reminiscing about the “good old days” at the “Academy” like best friends who graduated together often do, we sat down together in the Starbucks on East Fordham Road with our pumpkin spice lattes to discuss Chrissy’s latest adventures.
這是一個普通的秋日,在紐約的布朗克斯,當大部分學生被關在教室裡或做一些其他形式的工作,我有幸能夠和我的老朋友(一個現今的搖滾巨星),Chrissy Costanza,共度時光,談論她音樂事業的進展和近日的巡演. 在Chrissy還沒成為著名歌手前,她就已經是我一個很好的朋友了. 我們一同參加我們四年制高中的聖心學院(Immaculate Heart Academy),那時候我們就已經很熟了. 直到今天,我們還是會為第一次在數學課見面的情形哈哈大笑,她向我介紹她是Christina(Chrissy的原名是Christina Nicola Costanza),然後更正她自己,要我"叫她Chrissy". 在回憶學院裡我們總像是最好的朋友而又一同畢業的那些"美好的往日"後,我們在東福坦莫路(East Fordham Road,Chrissy現在就讀Fordham University的商學院,可想而知是在學校附近)的星巴克喝著南瓜拿鐵,並討論Chrissy最近的"奇幻旅程".
Chrissy and I met in high school and have been best friends ever since. Photo courtesy Mia Ciravolo.(Chrissy和我在高中時認識並且從那時候就成為最好的朋友 - 相片歸屬於Mia Ciravolo)(Chrissy為左,Mia為中間)
Chrissy has spent the last two years starting a band with a group of friends from New York. Their band “Against the Current” has quickly gone from a YouTube sensation to a world famous band. The band primarily performs a variation on pop-rock music, a genre quickly becoming more and more popular for it’s mash-up like qualities of hard rock and roll and catchy pop music.
Chrissy花了過去兩年和來自紐約的一群朋友成立樂團. 他們的樂團---Against The Current---很快地從轟動YouTube的樂團成為世界有名的樂團. 最初他們表演不同(於原創)版本的流行搖滾樂,一種很快地越來越受歡迎,像是mash-up(歌曲混搭)的重搖滾和耳熟能詳的流行樂.
Chrissy’s recent tour has been all over social media, like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Having a friend who has been to so many amazing places provokes questions about the different places she visited and different fans she had the privilege of meeting. She has only recently returned from her summer tour, which included performances in Hong Kong, Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines – which she says proved to be a life changing experience for her.
Chrissy最近的巡演已經風靡所有社群媒體,像是臉書.推特和YouTube. 有一個去過這麼多驚奇地方的朋友,引發了我對她---關於拜訪的不同景點和有幸遇到的不同粉絲---的問題. 她最近才剛從夏日巡演回來,那是一個包含在香港.澳洲墨爾本和雪梨.印度和菲律賓表演的巡迴---她說這足以印證是個可以改變人生的經驗.
When asked about her foreign fans, Chrissy replied, “our fans in other countries were really different from our fans in the United States. Because we aren’t from those other countries, they did seem to make a bigger deal of us being there than some of our fans in the United States. Our fans in the US have seen us time and time again, but for most of our foreign fans, this was their first Against the Current experience.”
當被問到國外的粉絲,Chrissy答道,"我們在各國的粉絲跟在美國的粉絲非常地不一樣. 因為我們不是來自於那些國家,與美國粉絲相較,他們(那些國家的粉絲)似乎更把我們當作一回事. 我們在美國的粉絲已經一次又一次地見到我們,但是對於大多數國外粉絲,那是他們第一次見到Against The Current的經驗."
Chrissy’s eyes brightened up as we talked about her fans in the different countries she visited, saying, “they were so timid about asking for autographs at our meet and greets, and then so polite and grateful when we signed posters for them or took pictures with them.” Chrissy’s experience across the world benefitted both her and her band mates. “I’d go back in a heartbeat. This was definitely a great way to start a future of touring,” Chrissy said with a smile.
當我們談到Chrissy在各國巡訪的粉絲,她的眼睛亮了起來,說道,"他們在見面會的時候都不太敢跟我們要簽名照,而且當我們為他們簽海報或跟他們合照時都好客氣並且充滿感激."(之前ATC來台時Chloe我因為沒搶到VIP的票就沒去了(我在開賣前就坐在電腦前蓄勢待發,誰知不到一分鐘VIP全賣光...剩下非VIP我就沒買了),嘿有去見面會的快告訴我是怎麼回事xD 大家真的都像Chrissy說的那樣嗎?要是我的話我大概會衝去抱她然後跟她自拍吧!) Chrissy走遍全球的經驗對她的樂團夥伴和她自己都有所幫助. "我很快就會回去,這絕對是一個未來巡演很棒的開始,"Chrissy笑著說道.
As Chrissy and I sat in Starbucks, we continued to move from her tour to just the band and her music in general. A common question is how a band is able to work together in such harmony that a perfect song is created. Against the Current’s new single “Another You” has recently been released, as well as its music video. The song “Another You” tells the story of a relationship that began wonderfully, but that soon went awry. The once enjoyable relationship became a struggle for both parties and soon, had to come to an end. The song focuses on the idea that a girl in a difficult relationship does have the power to get herself out of the situation before it gets worse than it already is. Although the song focuses somewhat on heartache, it breaks the boundaries of a typical love song by focusing more on power and independence.
當我和Chrissy坐在星巴克時,我們持續地從她巡演的話題移往純粹她和樂團的音樂. 常見的問題就是一個樂團如何能夠合作創造出一首完美歌曲的和諧. Against The Current的新單曲"Another You(另一個你)"和音樂MV近日才剛釋出. "Another You(另一個你)"這首歌訴說一段感情的故事,起初是美好的開始,但不久就變質了. 曾經一度歡愉的感情關係成了兩人的絆腳石,之後很快地便做了一個了結. 這首歌將重心放在女孩遭遇感情挫折時是有權利(力量)使自己在狀況還沒變得比現在更糟之前從中解脫. 雖然這首歌還是有些著重於心靈傷痛,但它打破典型情歌的框架並且更注重(女孩的)力量及獨立.
When discussing the song writing process for “Another You,” Chrissy said, “Most of our songs come from past experiences. In high school, I was in a really messed up relationship and it definitely wasn’t what was good for me at the time. When I finally ended it, it was really hard, but that doesn’t mean everything from that relationship had to be bad.” Chrissy smiled because she knew I remembered what happened after her relationship ended.
當論及"Another You(另一個你)"的寫歌過程,Chrissy說道,"我們大部分的歌曲靈感來自於過去的經驗. 高中時,我處在一個很糟糕的感情狀態,在那時候對我來說絕對不是很好的一件事. 當我結束這段感情,實在很困難,但並不表示來自這段感情的任何一切必須變質."Chrissy笑答,因為她知道我記得在她結束那段感情後發生了什麼事.
That was when Chrissy began writing more seriously. Since then, Chrissy has written a number of incredible songs with her band, and while they are clearly about a failed relationship, that information is not all released to the public. “I’d rather not speak openly about my past relationships,” Chrissy stated. “But I can say that they ended up helping me a lot with my career. That doesn’t mean I’m only gonna date someone until I get a song out of them, but when you’re put in such a tough place in life, sometimes writing is the only form of closure you can find.”
那是Chrissy開始認真寫歌的時候. 從那之後,Chrissy和她的樂團寫了很多絕妙的歌曲,然而儘管他們明示歌曲是關於失敗的感情,卻不是所有的東西都公諸於世."我寧可不要公開談論我過去的感情,"Chrissy表示. "但我必須說它們的結束實在幫助了我的(音樂)事業不少. 這不代表我將只是和某人約會,直到我可以從他們身上寫出一首歌,可是當你處在人生困苦的時期,有時候寫作是你唯一可以尋求解脫的方法."(嗯我覺得Ms. Swift大概心有戚戚焉xD)
As for the song “Another You,” which is on my “Favorite” playlist right now, Chrissy says the same relationship influenced this song. “There were obviously things I wanted to change about the relationship, but at the same time, I didn’t want the relationship to end. When it finally did, I realized I could find “another him,” maybe just in a better relationship,” she said.
至於"Another You(另一個你)"這首在我現在的"最愛"播放清單上的歌,Chrissy說有些同樣的感情關係影響了這首歌. "很明顯地有些在感情裡的事是我想要改變的,但同時我又不願意讓這段關係結束. 當它終究結束時,我意識到我可以尋找"另一個他",可能在一段更好的感情裡吧,"她說道.
Even in high school, people always knew Chrissy would go somewhere with her music. She would steal the hearts of every talent show audience. She laughed as we reminisced over our sophomore year talent show in high school, the first time either of us had really performed. Looking back now, her performances were much different than they are today. She used to be the solo artist, performing alone with her guitar and microphone. She mainly sang slow ballads and remained center stage, on a stool for the entire song. Now, she has a full band to back her up, she gets to run around the stage and she can interact with the audience. But one thing that hasn’t changed is the heart and emotion that Chrissy puts into every single one of her songs, the main reason all of her songs have touched so many people. Her songs embody every scenario a teenager could be going through. From a break-up, to a first love to just a great night out with friends, Chrissy’s fans feel the experience that she is singing about. Even her sad songs express emotion in an upbeat tempo that never allows the listener to feel sad when listening to the songs about terrible breakups.
甚至在高中時,大家就知道Chrissy將會走上音樂這條路. 她將會偷走每個才藝秀觀眾們的心. 當我們回想起高二時的才藝秀---我們兩個都第一次真正地表演---Chrissy笑了. 現在回顧, 她之前的表演和今天相較有很大的差別. 她從前是個獨立表演者,一邊彈吉他,一邊對著麥克風唱歌. 她主要唱些慢歌,然後待在舞台正中央,坐在高腳凳上唱完整首. 現在,她有完整的樂團支撐她,她可以跑遍舞台並且和觀眾互動. 但唯一不變的是她的心以及投入在每首歌的情緒,這也是她之所以能夠觸動人們的主要原因. 她的歌將每個青少年都會經歷的情節具體化,從分手.初戀到只是個與朋友們共度的絕佳夜晚,Chrissy的粉絲能夠感受到她所唱的這些經驗;甚至她難過的歌都以令人愉悅的節奏來表達她的情緒,從來不會讓聽者們在聽到關於慘痛的分手感到悲傷.
With these thoughts in mind, I moved on to the last topic I wanted to discuss with Chrissy: her own life. In high school, she had time for friends, family, school, traveling and work. It seems like most of her time now is consumed with work and her music. When asked how being in Against the Current has changed her life, Chrissy answered, “It’s definitely not as easy as it was before,” Chrissy explained. “I will always love what I do, but most of my time now is consumed by the band. I’m not home with my family as much and I don’t see a lot of the friends I used to hang out with.”
在心中有了這些想法以後,我轉向最後一個我想和Chrissy談論的主題:她自己的人生. 高中時,她有時間分配給朋友.家人.學校.旅遊和工作. 現在她大部分的時間看似都被事業和音樂佔據了. 當被問及在Against The Current裡對她的人生有何改變時,Chrissy答道,"這絕對不像以往那麼容易,"Chrissy解釋. "我將永遠愛著我所從事的事情,但是現在大部分的時間都被樂團佔據了. 我不能夠像以往一樣常常和家人們待在家裡,也不能夠見到很多我之前會約出來玩的朋友們."
For any teenage performer, being away from family and friends is one of the hardest parts. I told her that I admired her ability to be able to be independent at such a young age. For me, going away to a college an hour from my family was hard, yet she is able to travel the world without her family, except her mom, who joins her on tour. But Chrissy just smiled at that point, and said with a giggle, “I’m not away from my family. My band is always with me. We’ve become our own kind of family. No, it’s not your typical mom-dad-and-two-kids family, but it’s my family.” She continues, summing up everything about her life and career. “I wouldn’t trade one moment of my life for anything in the world.”
對於任何青少年表演者,遠離家人和朋友是最困難的一部分. 我告訴她我很欣賞她有能力得以在這麼稚嫩的年齡就獨立自主. 於我,離開家人到一小時車程的大學就很困難了,然而她卻能夠在沒有家人的情況下行遍全球,除了她的媽媽,有參與她的巡演. 但是針對這點Chrissy咯咯笑地說,"我並沒有離開我的家人. 我的樂團總是跟我在一起. 我們已經像是某種形式的家人---不,它不是你們一般有爸爸媽媽和兩個小孩的家庭,但這就是我的家庭." 她持續為所有關於她的人生和事業的一切作結."我將不會以我生命中的片刻換取世上的任何東西."
Chrissy and her bandmates celebrate her 19th birthday while on tour. Photos courtesy Chrissy Costanza.(Chrissy和她的樂團夥伴在巡演時慶祝她的19歲生日 - 相片歸屬於Chrissy Costanza)