4/7:台味十足之 Jonas Brothers 新歌 【Pom Poms】MV 釋出!
哈哈先說我不是很認真要發這篇文就是了... 純粹覺得它真的很台所以拿來娛樂大眾一下XD
(Confession: 我連強納斯兄弟在迪士尼時期的影集都沒發摟過, 更別問我他們三個的名字叫什麼了...
只知道其中一個叫 Joe 的以 25 秒電話把咱們的國民小公主 Taylor Swift 給甩了!!!(怒)
Pom Poms 是彩球的意思, 以此為主題的歌可想而知當然走一個歡樂的路線~
Jonas Brothers - Pom Poms 中文翻譯歌詞
來談歌曲本身! 第一次聽到預告版直覺就是伍佰"妳是我的花朵"在當背景音啊, 超級奇妙的!
整首歌出來更有舞棍阿伯融合在內的電音舞曲 fu 了 :P
但另一點比較令人匪夷所思的是...有人拿 Pom Poms 嗎...(?)
Jonas Brothers
Pom Poms lyrics
More to love when your hands are free
Baby put your pom poms down for me
Come on shake it up 1-2-3
Baby put your pom poms down for me
Yeah, they come from miles away
Just to see how you get down
Feels like an earthquake
Every time you come around
You hear 'em saying yeah (yeah)
Every time feels like a revival (glory)
So get up (get up), right now (right now)
We're coming for the title
More to love when your hands are free
Baby put your pom poms down to me
Come on shake it up 1-2-3
Baby put your pom poms down to me
When you move I fall to my knees
Baby put your pom poms down to me
Come on shake it up 5-4-3
Baby put your pom poms down to me
I want you on my team
Want you like a kid just wants a milkshake
And I won't let it go to waste if I get a taste
I'm gonna drink the whole thing
You hear 'em saying yeah (yeah)
Every time feels like a revival (glory)
So get up, right now
We're coming for the title
More to love when your hands are free
Baby put your pom poms down to me
Come on shake it up 1-2-3
Baby put your pom poms down to me
When you move I fall to my knees
Baby put your pom poms down to me
Come on shake it up 5-4-3
Baby put your pom poms down to me
Ladies to the left
Fellas to the right
If you wanna see me put my pom poms down
Then sing it to me baby, sing it right now
Let sing it now
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Yeah, yeah (Yeah)
If you wanna see me put my pom poms down
Then sing it to me baby, sing it right now
Ah-I say sing it now
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Yeah, yeah (Yeah)
More to love when your hands are free
Baby put your pom poms down to me
Come on shake it up 1-2-3
Baby put your pom poms down to me
When you move I fall to my knees
Baby put your pom poms down to me
Come on shake it up 5-4-3
Baby put your pom poms down to me