8/7:Taylor Swift 在8/13將與粉絲線上聊天!
OMG 昨天消息一公佈馬上瘋狂流傳!
第一次聽到Tay舉辦web chat耶~ (聽說以前好像有舉辦過,但是Chloe我沒參加過就是了)
不久前是有參加過Megan Nicole的live chat
但是她根本沒有回答到我的問題啊QAQ (恩所以不用太在乎自己的語言能力好不好...因為被回答到的機率真的頗低...)
更何況Tay的粉絲那麼多,能被給個shout out可能就是奇蹟了XD
whatever,不管會不會被回答到,參加也好 :)
WHAT: Taylor Swift Live Webcast On YouTube. Taylor will be talking to fans around the world live online on August 13th. She will talk directly to fans and answer questions in real time. The webcast will also include a Google + Hangout* with fans around the world.
WHEN: Monday, August 13, 2012, at 7 p.m. EDT / 4 p.m. PDT
WHERE: Watch live on www.youtube.com/TaylorSwift, www.youtube.com/presents, and www.TaylorSwift.com.
QUESTIONS: Fans can submit questions directly into the live social chat during the webcast using their YouTube account.
*Google+ Hangouts allow up to 10 people to connect face-to-face-to-face via group video chat. More information can be found here.
活動: Taylor Swift 線上直播將在YouTube舉行。8/13 (美國時間) Taylor 將與全球粉絲線上聊天,她會直接回答你的問題 (這還真難翻 囧 反正就一切是live的)。本活動使用Google+ Hangouts也可。(註1)
時間: 美國時間 2012/08/13 (星期一) 東岸時間 晚上七點 太平洋日光時間 下午四點 (很貼心的幫你換算好了XD → 台灣時間 2012/08/14 (星期二) 早上七點) (好像有點早... 愛睡貌)
地點: http://www.youtube.com/TaylorSwift http://www.youtube.com/presents http://taylorswift.com/
(註1: Google+ Hangout 可多人視訊,最高上限十人。詳細資訊請見 http://www.google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts/ )
*看完詳細資訊不禁讓人聯想到日期是否跟Tay最愛的數字有關?! #13
Taylor 親自為你說明:
"Hey, it’s Taylor. So I really want to talk to you about something. I would love it if you would join me Aug. 13 for a live webchat. You can ask questions. I want to share some news with you, some really cool news. Not gonna go into it too much, but it’s cool. I’ll see you there."