6/11:Brenda Song 和 Trace Cyrus (Miley Cyrus 哥哥) 取消訂婚
好久了欸...說不定沒人在關注這則新聞的說 :(
10/15:Brenda Song和Trace Cyrus訂婚了!!!
有點難過啦,但主觀來說,Chloe我真的不太喜歡Trace的樣子... (注意看上面那張圖,Trace雙臂上那是刺青,不是袖子!!!!)
It looks like Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus only need to plan for one upcoming wedding now.
Just a few days after news broke of Miley Cyrus' engagement, brother Trace has announced that he and Disney actress Brenda Song are no longer planning to marry. Or even date for that matter.
“Brenda and I have decided to go our separate ways,” the 23-year-old rocker said in a statement. “We split up a couple of months ago. We will continue to focus on our careers. I wish Brenda the best and much success in the future. I hope everyone can respect our privacy about this situation. Thanks so much."
Song and Cyrus got engaged in October, following nearly 18 months of dating and rumors than Brenda was pregnant. But no baby bump, nor any baby, ever materialized.
We wish each the best in all future romantic endeavors.
翻譯(by Chloe):
看來 Billy Ray 和 Tish Cyrus 只需要籌畫一場婚禮了。
前幾天在 Miley Cyrus 訂婚頭條後, 哥哥 Trace 就聲明他和迪士尼演員 Brenda Song 不打算結婚了, 或甚至在一起約會。
「Brenda 和我已決定要各自走自己路了,」這位23歲的搖滾歌手在聲明中說道。「我們在幾個月前分手了。我們將持續專注於事業,並且我真心祝福 Brenda 在未來能有很好的成就。希望各位在這件事上可以尊重我們的個人隱私,謝謝。」
Song 和 Cyrus 是在去年十月訂婚的,在之前他們約會了18個月然後曾傳出 Brenda 懷孕的謠言,但始終沒有任何關於小孩出生的消息。