
【Against The Current:In Our Bones】One More Weekend 再一個週末就好|中文歌詞


AAA Backstage 的訪談中,主唱 Chrissy Costanza 被問到創作新專【In Our Bones】的歷程,其中有個關於 One More Weekend 的問題如下:

Do you think the writing and recording process for the album was inspired by the move to Los Angeles? It's a crazy city!


Yeah, for sure! For a song like One More Weekend, that song was definitely very much influenced by kind of just having that positive, "sunshiney" atmosphere around us. That's definitely one of those songs that was very much a product of the environment.

(當然!像是 One More Weekend 這首歌,就肯定是被那種正面、在我們周遭非常陽光的氛圍所影響了,它無疑是環境下的產物。)

而在 hmv.com 訪談中,Chrissy 也透露,即使很多歌他們都處理得滿快的,但 One More Weekend 幾乎不費吹灰之力,可見他們對創作越來越得心應手。

根據 Baltimore Media Blog 的報導,鼓手 Will Ferri 則表示,雖然同張專輯的 Roses 很容易讓他引起懷舊之感,但他更喜歡 One More Weekend,因為它是一首很好玩、很酷的歌!

那我們現在就來欣賞 One More Weekend 的迷人之處吧!


One More Weekend 再一個週末就好

It's been a minute / 才過一分鐘
Everything's the same but different / 轉眼間就物是人非
Everyone moved on or stayed too long / 人人不是邁開步伐向前,就是停留原地太久
Doing the same things / 做著相同的事情

Can't help but miss it / 我不禁懷念起這一切
Thought I might come back and visit / 想著自己會重遊此地
You and I moved on but we still got / 儘管你和我都往前看了,我們卻有著
A whole lotta history / 說不完的舊事回憶

Is it too late? / 會太遲嗎?
I know we went separate ways / 我知道我們早已分道揚鑣
But I just wanted to say hey / 但我只想說「嘿」

Yo, I'm back home for the weekend / Yo,為了週末我回老家
Called you up but you were sleeping / 打電話給你,你卻還在睡覺
I wanna do those things we used to do / 我想要做那些我們從前會做的事
Back when we ran these neighbourhood streets / 回到在附近巷弄奔跑的時光
Wrote our names in the wet cement / 在未乾的水泥上寫下我們的名字
We can't go back again / 雖然回不去從前
But we can pretend for one more weekend / 但我們可以假裝多了一個週末
One more weekend / 再一個週末就好

We said forever never thought / 壓根兒不曾想過
our time together'd ever stop / 我們在一起的時光會停止
But it did and we're not kids anymore / 但事實如此,而我們再也不是孩子了

I've got our photos in a drawer / 我把我們的照片珍藏在抽屜裡
People don't keep those anymore / 人們早就不這麼做了
But I did, can't get rid of who we were before / 但我還是如此,無法忘掉從前的我們

Is it too late? / 會太遲嗎?
I know we went separate ways / 我知道我們早已分道揚鑣
But I just wanted to say hey / 但我只想說「嘿」

Yo, I'm back home for the weekend / Yo,為了週末我回老家
Called you up but you were sleepin' / 打電話給你,你卻還在睡覺
I wanna do those things we used to do / 我想要做那些我們從前會做的事
Back when we ran these neighbourhood streets / 回到在附近巷弄奔跑的時光
Wrote our names in the wet cement / 在未乾的水泥上寫下我們的名字
We can't go back again / 雖然回不去從前
But we can pretend for one more weekend / 但我們可以假裝多了一個週末
One more weekend / 再一個週末就好

Monday will wash away the fantasy / 週一會洗刷我們所有幻想
We'll have to go back and face reality / 必須回去面對現實
But we've got forever between now and then / 但我們一直都能夠擁有永遠
We can pretend / 至少我們可以假裝(多了一個週末)

Yo, I'm back home for the weekend / Yo,為了週末我回老家
Called you up but you were sleeping / 打電話給你,你卻還在睡覺
I wanna do those things we used to do / 我想要做那些我們從前會做的事
Back when we ran these neighbourhood streets / 回到在附近巷弄奔跑的時光
Wrote our names in the wet cement / 在未乾的水泥上寫下我們的名字
We can't go back again / 雖然回不去從前
But we can pretend for one more weekend / 但我們可以假裝多了一個週末
One more weekend / 就多一個週末
We can pretend for one more weekend / 我們可以假裝多了一個週末
One more weekend / 就多一個週末
One more weekend / 就多一個週末
One more weekend, yeah / 再一個週末就好,耶



我很喜歡這首歌前面 Chrissy 輕輕柔柔的假音,也很喜歡 One More Weekend 這般簡單純真的歌詞,樸實地表達出想要回歸童年認真玩耍的願望😁(能天天玩耍多好!!!)但長大了有很多事情要忙,即便假日也未必能好好放鬆,因此,就靠這首歌帶給大家如同週末般愉悅的心情吧!

最後附上可愛的 Chrissy 和 Dan,希望有娛樂到各位~~~


PS. 不意外的話,這個暑假我會把 ATC 這張專輯全部翻譯完,大家若有想要我翻譯的歌也歡迎留言告訴我!


英文歌詞來自 GENIUS,圖片來自 Google,有錯請告知~~


快來追蹤我的臉書,let's have fun!

Chloe Evelyn | 建立你的名片貼


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    Just Love Western Stars

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