在 Interview 雜誌的九月號封面上,Anne Hathaway (安海瑟薇) 以一塊蕾絲布料輕掛在臉上,營造出完全不同於以往的感覺。她也在這期雜誌中分享了一些看法。
「我現在很迷 Kate Middleton (凱特米道頓),很迷;我好愛那場皇室婚禮。剛接到邀請時我還滿憤世忌俗的,也覺得這整個婚禮根本就是作秀,但當我看到她 (指 Kate) 時,我就完全迷上她了。我為 Kate 和 William 著迷,現在 Kate 不管做什麼事,我都會說:『好耶,Kate。』」
原文:"Right now, I’m obsessed with Kate Middleton. Obsessed. I loved the Royal Wedding. I was so cynical going into it, and pseudo-political about the whole thing, but as soon as I saw her I was utterly charmed. I’m just completely enchanted by Kate and William. With everything she’s doing right now, I say, ‘Yay, Kate.’"
談到她對當紅實境節目 Jersey Shore (玩咖日記) 的看法
「當我第一次看到這部影集,我覺得『哇,他們的體驗和我在 Cape May (紐澤西一處地名) 的很不一樣。』第一季很棒,因為很真,但現在我不再看這個節目了,因為現在他們都知道有攝影機在拍。 "The Situation" (Michael, 本節目主角;situation 在英文中為 "狀況" 的意思) 超自戀的,他一直用第三人稱的 "The Situation" 叫自己。有一集,他的車被拖走,他就說『我們這裡有一點小狀況,而 "狀況" 就是這個狀況』」(編按:… … … 無語)
原文:"When I first saw the show, I thought, Wow, they are having a very different experience there than my experience in Cape May. I thought the first season of the show was awesome because it was authentic, but I don’t watch it any more because now they know that there’s a camera there. The Situation is totally self-aware. He’s referring to himself as The Situation non-stop. In the episode I saw, his car got towed, and he was like, ‘We’ve got a situation here, and The Situation is the situation.’"
談到 Snooki 與 J-Woww
「我喜歡看 MTV 來逃離現實,但當我看到 Snooki 時,我好像看到了我的雙胞胎姊妹。我每次都會在看節目時迷失,因為我就在那… 我覺得 Jwoww 很棒,我愛 Jwoww,她很熱情。這麼說好了,JWoww 對我來說就是個紐澤西人,因為她會替朋友講話。」
原文:"I like to watch MTV for escapist pleasure, but when I saw Snooki, I saw my twin. I couldn’t lose myself in the show anymore because there I was… That being said, I think JWoww is amazing. I love JWoww. She’s intense. See, JWoww to me is proper Jersey because she will scrap for a friend."
此次拍攝,Anne 身上的行頭為:Dolce & Gabbana 的洋裝、Tom Ford 的腰帶、Maison Michel 的髮箍 (用在脖子上) 、Bottega Veneta 的手環。
在階梯上拍攝的照片中,洋裝換成了 Nina Ricci 的洋裝 。此組照片由 Mert Alas 與 Marcus Piggott 拍攝,造型師為 Karl Templer。
小編看到封面時,幾乎認不出來那是 Anne!各位也來談談自己的看法吧!
Chloe我也認不出來了 = =
但是Anne一樣很美 : ))