7/2:Taylor Swift在Massachusetts(麻州)表演---在雨中唱歌!
A Midsummer Night’s Blog (Blog from Taylor Swift on TaylorConnect 6/30/2011)
I’m writing you on a summer afternoon in Nashville. All the idealistic markers of a perfect day are presenting themselves right now in this moment. I mean, we’re talking chirping birds, blinding sunshine, a just-the-right-amount breeze.. There’s the distant sound of power washing from someone else’s deck and my feet are up on the patio table. I just ate a really awesome sandwich. Such a simple, good day. And so I just wanted to say hi.
I go back on the road tonight and this weekend we’ll play in Greensboro, Knoxville, and Louisville. And I guess I should just tell you up front that playing shows on this tour is the best time I’ve ever had onstage. The crowds we’ve been playing for have been so unbelievable.. The kind of crowds that jump up and down the entire show, making our view from the stage look like a giant ocean of dancing, jumping people. These are the kinds of crowds that sing the words louder and more passionately than I ever could’ve imagined. And to have a show that includes ballerinas and fireworks and entire scenery changes.. it’s thrilling for me. My band and I have already come away with memories to last a lifetime, and it’s not even halfway done yet! The other night, we were playing our first of two shows at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. I’m all the way at the end of the stadium, playing “Fearless”, and I swear as soon as I sang the words “With you I’d dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless”… I felt a drop of rain hit me. Then there was another one, then there was another. And then it turned into an absolute downpour. Everyone is soaking wet. And at this point in the show, about halfway through our set, this fear came over me that everyone was going to leave the concert. I tried to push it way back into the back of my mind and just kept playing, and to my surprise, the strangest thing happened. No one left. Instead, this ocean of people in front of us just started dancing even more, screaming even louder… And that night I actually got to dance in a storm with them. In my best dress. I’ll never forget it.
我在今晚繼續我的演唱會行程,這個周末我們將會在Greensboro、Knoxville和Louisville表演,我想我應該首先告訴你們這次的巡迴演唱是自我登台表演以來最好的一次,演唱會所到之處的人潮令我們感到不可思議,有那種整場演唱會從頭到尾不斷上下跳動的人群,從舞台上看下去就像充滿著舞動人群的一片海洋,也有每個字都唱的很大聲的人們,他們的熱情程度也讓我難以想像。能夠辦場有著芭蕾舞群、繽紛煙火和不停變換的舞台佈置的演唱會讓我興奮的發抖,我的樂團和我已經得到了足夠讓我們回味一輩子回憶,而整個巡迴卻甚至還不到一半!前幾天的晚上,我們正在Foxboro的Gillette體育館舉辦第一場演唱,我一路唱到”Fearless”這首歌,正當我唱到“With you I’d dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless”,我感覺到一滴雨滴到我的身上,然後又一滴,再一滴,突然就開始下起了傾盆大雨,每個人都被淋成落湯雞了,在演唱會才進行到一半的這個時候,恐懼突然湧上來,我好害怕大家會離開這場演唱會,我盡量試著把這想法驅逐出我的腦海,繼續專心的演唱,出乎我意料之外的,最奇怪的事發生了:沒有半個人離開。相反的,在我眼前的人潮反而愈加舞動全身,尖叫的更大聲...,那一晚,我真的在暴風雨中(in a storm)穿著我最美的服裝(in my best dress)跟大家一起跳舞(dance),我永遠不會忘記。
Sometimes I get scared that there’s got to be some balance to the way things work in the universe— like you pay for good days by then having bad days, you pay for joy with pain.. Like if you have the most perfect week ever, watch out! It’s about to get really awful! Some sort of minor or major tragedy is bound to strike! I hope that’s not the way it all goes down. I really hope not. Because this has been a really beautiful summer so far. Lately, I’ve been writing a LOT. Like, all of a sudden, everything I’ve wanted to say, express, or just let out for the past several months has just recently become a song. I’m really excited about that. It’s a freeing feeling when all of a sudden one day, you’re able to verbalize exactly how you feel in a verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus pattern.
Hey so… thank you so much for the Teen Choice Award nominations!! Six whole nominations! Thank you. I’ll be there this year and it will be my first time attending the TCA’s!!! Thank you!
嘿,還有...非常感謝你們讓我被Teen Choice Award提名,整整六項獎項的提名耶!謝謝你們,我今年將會第一次前往參加TCA頒獎典禮,真的謝謝你們。
I want to thank you for the happiness I’ve felt so far this summer. I’ve learned to never take happiness for granted. It’s the most precious, rare feeling. This summer, for me, it comes from you.. driving to the shows with “Speak Now” painted on your car windows or simply singing along when “Story of Us” comes on the radio. It comes from you, standing up in the last rows or the front ones, having taken the time to know every word I’ll sing that night… Oh, and it also comes from an entire stadium that not only stuck with me through the rain, but celebrated it. Mostly it’s from all the times you’ve made me feel like we’re in this together. I hope you have a wonderful July 4th weekend and I hope you have a bunch of simply wonderful days this summer.
我想為這個夏天你們讓我感受到的快樂向你們道謝,我學到永遠不要將這種快樂當成理所當然的事,這是最珍貴最稀有的感覺,在這個夏天,對我來說,快樂是來自於你們...,不管是開著車窗上寫著”Speak Now”的車來參加演唱會,還是單純的在收音機播放“Story of Us”時一起跟著唱和,這一切都來自於你們,不管是站在最前排還是最後排,你們都能一字不漏的跟著我唱完整晚。噢,還有來自於那在暴風雨的夜晚讓我感動又開心的整座體育館,最重要的是你們總讓我覺得我們是一體的,我祝福你們度過一個美好的國慶日週末,也祝福你們在這個夏日擁有大把大把的美好日子。
本文來源: http://maybeimjustagirlonamissio ... rom-taylor-swift-on 轉載自TaylorConnect
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