7/1:Katy Perry(凱蒂佩芮)首次登上《Vogue》時尚雜誌封面(超絕美優雅組圖與訪談!)
最近都被音樂文章圍繞, 發現好久沒有寫點關於雜誌組圖和訪談的文章了
Katy Perry 似乎在 Wide Awake 釋出後就沉寂了一段時間, 遲遲沒有任何音訊(還是我漏接了?!)
不曉得今年下半年會不會出專輯(一定要啊!!), 因為被找來當封面女郎一定另有原因 - 有風聲說在暑假會發行新專
以下訪談由 Chloe 親自翻譯:
On her thoughts about Russell:
"He's a very smart man, and I was in love with when I married him. Let's just say I haven't heard from him since he texted me saying he was divorcing me December 31, 2011. [He's] hysterical in some ways. Until he started making jokes about me and he didn't know I was in the audience, because I had come to surprise him at one of his shows. So. Hysterical to a point."
對前夫 Russell 的看法:
"他是個非常聰明的男人, 而我嫁給他的時候真的很愛他. 反正從 2011 年 12 月 31 日他傳簡訊說要跟我離婚那時起, 我就沒有他的消息了. 他在某方面還滿暴走的. 一直到他開始嘲笑我, 他都不知道我在觀眾席, 因為我是要在某場秀帶給他驚喜的. 所以, 他歇斯底里到一個極點."
On the end of her marriage:
"I mean, I have to claim my own responsibility in things. I do admit that I was on the road a lot. Although I invited him time and time again, and I tried to come home as much as I possibly could. You saw that in [Katy Perry: Part of Me]. That wasn't edited to leave footage out - there wasn't any footage of him."
"我的意思是, 我必須聲明在某些事我有我自己的責任. 我得承認我常常在巡迴. 雖然我一次又一次的邀他(一起跟 Katy 巡迴), 並且盡可能(一有空就)回家. 你在【Katy Perry : Part Of Me】(Katy Perry 傳記電影) 就看得出來, 那不是後製把橋段剪掉的 - 那邊根本沒有他的畫面."
On her on-and-off relationship with John Mayer:
"I was madly in love with him. I still am madly in love with him. All I can say about that relationship is that he's got a beautiful mind. Beautiful mind, tortured soul. I do have to figure out why I am attracted to these broken birds."
和 John Mayer 斷斷續續的戀情:
"我曾瘋狂地愛上他, 現在仍是瘋狂地愛著他. 關於那段戀情我所能說的是他有著很善良的心腸. 美麗的心, 殘破的靈魂. 我必須找出為什麼我總是被這些受傷的鳥兒所吸引."
On refusing to settle for less:
"I'm not in a relationship, I'm just on my own - I am [by] myself in my own bed. I have to be happy being alone, and I am happy. I believe that I will be loved again, in the right way. I know I'm worth it."
"我現在沒在交往, 就我自己一個人 - 一個人睡在自己的床上. 我必須為單身感到開心, 那我就會真的快樂. 我相信我會再度被愛, 以一個正確的方式. 我知道我值得."
Chloe: 看完覺得好難過喔, 明明家庭和事業俱全的女強人淪落到必須自我安慰的地步, 不禁替 Katy 有些打抱不平:(
就連這次雜誌組圖雖說優雅脫俗, 卻看不到以往光煥發的樣貌, 帶著些許滄桑和嬌柔
不知道是好是壞呢, 我只希望 Katy 能夠早日遇到懂得珍惜她.疼愛她的人